🎧 Shibuya's Scrambled Sounds - Issue #23

Best week of the year for Japanese music so far or YOUR MONEY BACK 💸

Welcome to this week’s issue of Shibuya’s Scrambled Sounds!

I hope you had a nice week. Just a reminder that there is now a Shibuya’s Scrambled Sounds Threads!

I’m also planning to provide free content for followers who refer others to the newsletter. I’ll post about it in the future 😌 

This week’s episode includes:

  • The first 4 pie album

  • A classic band’s return to form

  • Electronic/Techno Pop sounds FROM THE FUTURE

  • And of course more more more

🥧 Fresh Out The Oven Albums 🥧

Reviews of the best new albums that came out recently
*with some exceptions

Rating System

🥧 Pretty warm - for the hardcore fans of the genre
🥧🥧 Oh that’s hot - for any fan of the genre
🥧🥧🥧 We gonna need oven mitts - potential classic, highly suggested listen
🥧🥧🥧🥧 The kitchen’s on fire!! - modern classic, must listen

** I only talk about albums I liked in this newsletter so even the “Pretty warm” albums are still good 😉

Hakushi Hasegawa - 魔法学校 (Mahōgakkō)

Genre: Experimental Pop, Electronic, Jazz, Brainfeeder
Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

Where to even begin with Hakushi Hasegawa. Since the release of their second EP 草木萌動 (Sōmoku hōdō), they started making heads turn in the Japanese underground music scene. Describing their music is tough, it’s just as much Jazz as it is some type of distorted form of Drum & Bass. Their vocals and vocal melodies are unique, their sound palettes are unique, just a once in a lifetime artist who always brings a breathe of fresh air to their sound. While there are moments where their influences seep out (I mean, no music is 100% original of course), most of it sounds distinctly Hakushi Hasegawa. I’ve even heard one artist who is basically a ripoff, but it doesn’t even compare to Hasegawa’s knack for melodies and BONKERNESS (new word).

I think most people living in the west (including myself) first heard them with their first full release エアにに (Air ni ni), which still remains as one of my top 5 albums of 2019. Both of the releases I mentioned previously are worth listening to, and actually, I feel that they help you see the growth of the artist.

Which brings us to the new album. Would I say I like it more than Air ni ni? That’s tough, but would I say it’s the same level of quality? 100%. I truly think that this album might be better in terms of the passion poured into it, as well as it’s maturity. While Air ni ni feels like an album that’s sounds and song ideas, this one feels more refined. Every single track sounds like Hasegawa poured their heart and soul into it. From both the softer tracks such as “Forbidden Thing (Kimmotsu)” to the frantic “Gone”, I imagine that every single detail from the drum sounds to the chord choices was thought about for hours by Hasegawa. The definition of meticulously crafted.

You see the rating, just go listen to it. I will say that if you don’t listen to more experimental styles of music, this album in particular might be a tough one. I would say start with Air ni ni first, and then make your way over here.

Rating: 🥧🥧🥧🥧 The kitchen’s on fire!! - modern classic, must listen

Favorite Tracks: Departed, Gone, The Blossom and the Thunder, KYOFUNOHOSHI, Forbidden Thing (Kimmotsu), Outside (Soto)


Genre: City-Pop Revival, Jazz Pop, Disco
Spotify | Apple Music 

Do you like silky smooth City Pop? There’s a high chance you do if you’re reading this.

Well did you know that there’s a scene of new(ish) artists heavily inspired by that sound? There was a bit of a “City Pop Revival” of the late 00’s early 10’s. Some of you might be familiar with Lamp, but they’re more “AOR/Yacht Rock Revival”. Ryusenkei, lead by Cunimondo Takiguchi, is the closest semi-modern recreation to the first wave of City Pop, like Taeko Ohnuki, early Tatsuro Yamashita, etc.

Does it sound as bold as those albums? Not quite.
But is it comfy as hell? It sure is.

Their first two albums Tokyo Sniper and Natural Woman still remain as two of my absolute favorite Post-80’s City Pop albums (especially the latter). So it’s easy to say that I was slightly disappointed with their last album Talio, despite bringing back the Tokyo Sniper vocalist Hitomitoi (who’s music is also great on her own). Oh btw, they change lead vocalists literally every album. I’m sure it’s a creative choice at this point, but it’s kinda hilarious. This time it’s the young talent Sincere and she brings a strong presence to every track.

So this album is exactly what I wanted, a return to form. Gone are the quirky yet hit and miss of the kitschy intermissions and genre jumping of the last album. Back is the what I like to describe as “sad disco” sounds of their first two albums. “Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too” is a track that can stand tall with the rest of the best Ryusenkei tracks. For all my fellow music school goers, it also has the lick in it. If ya know, ya know.

Nothing too challenging, but just the right amount of slick playing and entertaining songwriting.

Rating: 🥧🥧 Oh that’s hot

Favorite Tracks: Super Generation, TRICOT, Time Traveler, Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too, I Remember Nico


Genre: New Wave, Techno Pop, Experimental Pop
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

I wrote a lot about the last couple of albums so I’ll keep this one more short and sweet.

This is the first album from the New Wave/Techno Pop duo LAUSBUB. This sounds really mature for a first album. It feels like they constantly fight to find a balance between pop melodies and experimental dance music, leading to a unique sound palette and melody choice.

The YMO influence is apparent in a nice way (especially their sound choices) and if you like them, you’ll most likely be into this too. A great debut by a relatively young band and can’t wait to hear more from them in the future.

Rating: 🥧🥧 Oh that’s hot - for any fan of the genre

Favorite Tracks: Michi-tono-Sogu, Telefon -2024 Session-, Sweet Surprise, Dancer in the Snow, I SYNC

♨️ Steaming EPs ♨️ 

Some good EPs for you to check out

Dai Nakamura - Nami Oto

Genre: Indie Pop, Jazz Pop
Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

🍵 Piping Hot Singles 🍵

Here’s where you find the newest hottest singles on the planet from Japan

路地 (Roji) - 湿度 (Shi tsu do)
Spotify | Apple Music
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Rock, A hint of Shoegaze/Dream Pop

Boyish - Slow
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: Lo-Fi Indie Rock, Shoegaze

Simmer Pine - Race
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: Lo-Fi Indie Rock, Dream Pop, Mac Demarco

XinU - 触れる唇 (The Touch of Your Lips)
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: City Pop-ish, Japanese Pop, Neo-Soul?

❤️‍🔥 Thank you! ❤️‍🔥 

As always, thank you thank you sooooo much for reading this issue of Shibuya’s Scrambled Sounds! 🥹

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I’m a freelance Japanese to English Translator with about a year and a half of experience scattered around various projects. If the ChatGPT version looks sketchy and you’re interested in having a human translate any interviews or articles let me know. I’ll give any follower a hefty discount 😉

See ya next time! Breakfast is ready.


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