🎧 Shibuya's Scrambled Sounds - Issue #22

Albums you won't find anywhere else in a slick new layout 😎

STEP INTO THE RING of this week’s issue of Shibuya’s Scrambled Sounds

Hi everyone, I hope you had a nice week. There’s been some small design changes as well as a little bit of a content change.

I’m going to move my little life rants etc. to the new Shibuya’s Scrambled Sounds Threads! So if you liked that part of the comment, subscribe and let me know. I’m always trying to improve myself and if you’re interested in that kind of content coming from a humble music lover, lemme know.

This week’s episode includes:

  • Fresh layout!

  • A new Jazz classic?

  • A Japanese band with English lyrics

  • A band you probably know

  • Some really great EPs and fun singles

🥧 Fresh Out The Oven Albums 🥧

Reviews of the best new albums that came out recently
*with some exceptions

Rating System

🥧 Pretty warm - for the hardcore fans of the genre
🥧🥧 Oh that’s hot - for any fan of the genre
🥧🥧🥧 We gonna need oven mitts - potential classic, highly suggested listen
🥧🥧🥧🥧 The kitchen’s on fire!! - modern classic, must listen

** I only talk about albums I liked in this newsletter so even the “Pretty warm” albums are still good 😉

Akihiro Nishiguchi (FOTOS) - PALINDROME

Genre: Jazz, Experimental
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

For those who have never been to Japan, there’s one thing you should know, Japan LOVES Jazz. Almost any cafe you go to will have Jazz playing. Whether it’s just for aesthetics or there’s a deep appreciation for the genre is arguable. However, the same applies in Japan as the US (and I’m assuming most places around the world) where if you’re into playing Jazz, you usually fall into one of two categories. You either know and play all the standards like a well oiled-machine, or you attempt the daunting task of making your own Jazz music.

And in the second category, here comes Akihiro Nishiguchi. A saxophone player more like Miles Davis than Charlies Parker, Nishiguchi loves riding on the emotions of the tracks rather than showing off his technical proficiency. This leads to songs like the simultaneous heart wrenching and heart warming “Blue Elephant”, where his soaring sax accentuates the atmospheric sounds created by the other members of this new group called FOTOS. Another stand out track is the nearly 7 minute long “Left Eye”, which features an evolving jam on top of a spoken word piece. Despite the speaker on the track going on about coffee for a whole minute or two, the song ends in a rather dark twist.

While Nishiguchi plays either melody maker or mood maker most of the time, the other musicians on this album are tasteful, especially the rhythm section which both act as a glue and as a angular extension of the group. While this isn’t an amazing starting point for people trying to get into Jazz, if you’re familiar with the classics and looking to see what the modern Japanese Jazz scene is like, this is a great record to check out. Definitely engaging from front to back.

Rating: 🥧🥧 Oh that’s hot

Favorite Tracks: Blue Elephant, Left Eye, Killer Kira Kira, Hotaka

Ålborg - The Way I See You

Genre: Indie Rock, Singer-Songwriter
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

There’s something so calming about the ocean water isn’t there. While I’ve never thought to myself “I wanna spend all day at the beach”, I do love looking out into the ocean. Like the staircase before Bowser in Mario 64, it appears to go on forever. Sometimes, you can catch small glimpses of wildlife or boats in the distance.

Using waves as the cover for their first album, Ålborg capture those feelings of staring out into the ocean, waiting for something to happen, even if it’s a dolphin jumping in the distance. There’s a sense of longing, yet also feeling like you have everything you want. The track that perfectly captures this is “Blend”, the perfect blend of emotions. *nudge nudge wink wink, - cue laugh track

This album definitely feels like the perfect homage to classic 90’s chamber pop/twee such as Belle and Sebastian and even Neutral Milk Hotel while also bringing in it’s own vibe. While I haven’t dived too deep into the lyrics (all in English btw), the album ends and begins with two versions of the same track, both with different emotional dynamics. An easy, nice and chill listen from an upcoming band with a promising future.

Rating: 🥧🥧 Oh that’s hot

Favorite Tracks: I Wish, Blend, Stray Cat (Alternative Version), The Way I See You

toe - Now I See The Light

Genre: Indie Rock, Math Rock, Emo
Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

If you’re reading this, you probably know who toe is right? They are arguably the most famous Indie/Twinkle Daddy Math Rock from Japan. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve given their first album, the genre classic The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety (say that 5 times fast) a few spins, but I’ve never been the hugest toe fan. I liked that album, now that I think about it, for that brand of Twinkly Math Rock, they’re one of the best, but it’s just a genre I got burnt out on. Not really their fault.

So what’s it like only listening to the first and newest albums? Well, the exciting drums are mostly gone, which was honestly one of my favorite parts of their classic material. However, they bring in more melodic sounds with keyboards, and acoustic guitars, so I can’t hate on them too much. I particularly love “TODO Y NADA”, whose guitar parts sound like a Nujabes sample in the best way possible.

And if you want that old sound, just listen to track 7 (キアスクーロ) with it’s RIPPING DRUMS. That track rules so definitely check it out. Also, when did vocals become a thing? Is that a first on this album? Either way, it has mixed results but I love the fact that they are always challenging themselves and trying new things. Other than a few change ups, this is more or less what you would expect from a mellower toe. Not necessarily a bad thing though. This is an enjoyable listen and now I’m gonna check out their back catalog.

Rating: 🥧 Pretty warm

Favorite Tracks: TODO Y NADA, NOW I SEE THE LIGHT, Tracks 1 and 7 (風と記憶, キアスクーロ)

♨️ Steaming EPs ♨️ 

Some good EPs for you to check out

cat biscuit - WHITE EP

Genre: Electronic Pop, Hip-Hop
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube


Genre: Hip-Hop, UK Garage
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

🍵 Piping Hot Singles 🍵

Here’s where you find the newest hottest singles on the planet from Japan

DE DE MOUSE and Hitomitoi - 摩天楼Starlight (Skyscraper Starlight)
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: Synth Pop, City Pop-inspired

Pandagolff - LEGO DE GO
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: Indie Rock, Noise Rock

Nassy Island - パタヤのビーチに恋焦がれ
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: Japanese Pop, City Pop-inspired, Sugary Pop

SPOOL - Space Rock
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Genre: 80’s-90’s Indie Rock Revival

Hedigan’s - O’share
Spotify | Apple Music
Genre: Garage Rock, Beefy Indie Rock
*Vocalist of Suchmos

❤️‍🔥 Thank you! ❤️‍🔥 

As always, thank you thank you sooooo much for reading this issue of Shibuya’s Scrambled Sounds! 🥹

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See ya next time! Breakfast is ready.


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